When a child is born, parents experience the happiest moments in life, plan how to walk, play and study with the baby. But not everything goes so smoothly, as a rule, the first disease of the child is a complete surprise for parents, because all the conditions were created for his comfortable living. Most often, diseases in young children are absolutely not related to increased attention or inattention of parents. The child’s body is just starting to get used to an even hostile atmosphere for him. The slightest random drafts and as a result of a cold or suddenly manifested allergies to the animal’s hair can appear at any time.
How to help the child quickly recover
But do not despair and blame yourself for the fact that the child suddenly fell ill. Many mothers, having first faced a child’s illness, fall into a real panic, although the most important thing is that in such a situation this calmness and confidence of the parents themselves.
In order to prevent the disease from developing further and helping the child recover faster, you need to observe a number of simple rules, fulfilling which the mother will immediately notice how the baby went on amendments.
Rule 1. “Calm only calm”
This is especially important when the baby is on breastfeeding and is still very small and completely depends on the parents. After all, my mother’s anxiety can affect breast milk production, and as a result the baby will not eat up and will cry even more. The best that can be done for crumbs is constantly next to him, breasts on demand and follow all the recommendations of a local doctor. Infants, which are fed on demand, are less likely to get sick and if they are sick, then they recover much faster than the kidnapping babies.
Rule 2. “Do not self -medicate”
Not every mother is a doctor by education and may not recognize a laryngitis or false cereal in the cough that appears, these diseases are most dangerous for young children, as they lead to the edema of the larynx and if help does not come in time, the baby may suffocate.
How to help the child quickly recover
In the most ideal version, at the initial stage of the disease, immediately call the local doctor to the house and in no case lead the sick child to the clinic.
Rule 3. “Create a calm atmosphere in the child’s room”
For a sick baby, it is best to find in isolation from other relatives and especially children. Create in his room a peaceful atmosphere with a quarter ventilation (when the child is not in the room) and ignition of aroma lamps with useful essential oils.
Rule 4. “More vitamins”
It is worth correcting the nutrition of a sick child, adding more vitamins to him. You need to prepare easily digestible dishes, without any additives and preservatives.
There is nothing worse for mom when your beloved crumb is sick, but it is worth understanding for yourself that only your own calm and competent actions will help the baby recover faster.