Recently, the number of people, especially young people who want to decorate their body with tattoos, is growing steadily. It is possible that after a few years someone will regret their decision, but many continue to rejoice in the presence of tattoos on their body and decades later. Be that as it may, but if you decide to become the owner of a tattoo, then you will be useful to find out about how to care for it in the first days after returning from a tattoo salon. So, let’s look at all the rules for caring for a tattoo.
It should be said right away that a professionally performed tattoo, as a rule, never harms human health. But on how you take care of it after visiting the master, it largely depends on how efficiently and for a long time his work will remain on your body.
Of course, a professional will definitely tell you all the rules for handling a fresh tattoo, but the first thing you need to know is that it is not recommended to remove the bandage imposed before you. Usually this time varies from 3 to 12 hours and depends on the nature and complexity of the work. Do not worry if the first time around the tattoo will remain red – this is normal. Also, the fact that the skin around the drawing will not be a little saddle should not cause your fear. Sometimes a sucker can stand out – this is also acceptable.
Your task during this period is to prevent an infection or dirt tattoo to the place of tattoos, otherwise it may become inflamed. In order to avoid this after passing the time indicated by the master, carefully remove the bandage from the tattoo site and rinse it with warm water with soap or miramistin, which can be bought at the pharmacy. Wiping a tattoo is not recommended. It will be better if you slightly wet it with a towel. It is impossible to process the recently applied pattern with alcohol solutions – this is fraught with the fact that the healing process will not go as it should. A pharmacy ointment that your master should recommend to you should be recommended on a dry tattoo.
During the entire healing of the tattoo healing, it cannot be scratched, pick and film a film from it. Also, during this period, it is strictly not recommended to visit saunas, solariums, swim in the bath or in the pool. If you do not want your tattoo to be faded by sunlight, then you will have to forget about the tan for some time.
It is not necessary to sealed or bandage the place of tattoos – it will only harm the process of skin regeneration. In the first days after applying the drawing to your skin, wear natural fabrics clothes so as not to provoke the development of allergic reactions. It is also better to refuse heavy physical exertion in the first 3 days after applying a tattoo. Also, these days are not recommended to drink alcoholic beverages.
As a rule, the full time healing time is usually 5-7 days. Do not worry that at this time it will look a little swollen – it will pass for several days, and everything will fall into place.
Many representatives of the fair sex, who love to care for their body, are interested in the question of whether peeling and scrubs can now be used in this area, and how soon it can be done. Tattoo masters say with confidence that you can use such means ten days after the tattoo procedure – this will not affect the tattoo in any way.
But, unfortunately, sometimes it happens that the healing process of a tattoo proceeds with complications. Therefore, when the first signs of inflammation, suppuration, increase in body temperature manifested by malaise appear, you do not need to wait for everything to go by itself – in such cases it is urgent to contact a specialist.