Когда появляется желание завести питомца, многие ориентируются на свой образ жизни и предпочтения и это правильно, потому что нужно учитывать что домашние животные требуют внимания в большей или меньшей степени, но круглосуточно. Therefore, you should not start a dog if there is no way to walk with it in the morning and evenings, if the work involves long business trips. It happens that children persistently ask for an animal, but then you need to choose a pet, to care for which the child will not be difficult. In addition, the pet should be friendly and take up not a lot of space in all these categories, a guinea pig is great – a beautiful, good -natured and affectionate animal.
How to care for a guinea pig
Guinea pigs are different: long -haired, naked and short -haired. It is most preferable to start a short -haired pig in the apartment, which will not suffer from temperature drops in the warm and cold season and will not leave a large amount of wool everywhere. When acquiring a pig, it must be borne in mind that they are very friendly and sociable creatures, so if there is no way to pay attention to the guinea pig, you need to start a couple of animals, preferably same -sex, so that the pigs are occupied by running, treats and communication with the owner, and not engage in constant childbirth.
How to care for a guinea pig
Guinea pigs are not whimsical in food, with the same pleasure they bite both hay and sticks and carrots with cabbage. They love green grass and greens (parsley, dill, cilantro), corn grains, apples, cucumbers and tomatoes, crackers and special treats for rodents. Water can be poured every 2-3 days in a special drinker, as pigs like to constantly turn their bowls.
To keep the animal clean, it is enough to wash the pig under warm water from the crane 2 times a week. Although she does not like pig and “sea” and “sea” and can sadly whistle in bathing protest. Pig’s claws need to be trimmed so that they perform a little, if you do not cut your claws for a long time, they will begin to wrap it, which brings unpleasant sensations to the animal and can break off and cause pain.
How to care for a guinea pig
The guinea pig should live in a spacious cage, where there is enough space for games, eating food and rest in a dark place. You can make a small house in the corner of a cage where pigs can sleep peacefully. You can take the pig for a walk as necessary, only you need to remember that the guinea pig is not familiar with the manners and will go to the toilet where it got.
These animals are very friendly and quickly get used to the owner, who are considered who they see most often and who pays more attention to them. If you put the pig on my knees, it will begin to blissfully cover her eyes and whistle quietly in gratitude. But if the cage is not clean enough or supplies ended, the animal will shake the cage fiercely and whistle loudly, calling the owner. Whistle, but less loud guinea pigs welcome the owner when they see him and run from all their feet to stroke and caress.
How to care for a guinea pig
When a guinea pig only appears in the house, she immediately needs to show the place where she will be. It is desirable that it be clean, dry, without drafts (otherwise the pig can catch a cold and get sick), fairly bright and sunny (pigs are especially like to doze in the sun). You should not immediately take this animal in the hands of this animal, you need to give him time to get used to the situation, to the owner and residents of the house, get acquainted with the new dwelling and scout what lies and how you can have a bite.
The guinea pig, like any pet, needs a nickname, gradually getting used to it, she will react when she will be called to feed or play. And the guinea pigs simply adore playing, for this they hang a variety of ropes, bells, balls, toys that can even gnaw (and natural wood) in a cage.