While the gas annular furnace is applicable for firing tiles, bream boards and chamotis bricks, a gas -ring stove is applicable when firing products that require high firing temperature, like an iron clinker, porcelain and large formats, chamotum style bricks.
Naturally, when turning fuel into gas, a significant part of the heat and fuel material is lost. Gas burned only in those cases beneficial when it comes to the use of low -value fuel, or when a temperature is required, which cannot be achieved with ordinary fireboxes. If you are going to build an additional workshop, you will need to order high -quality concrete that you can: where to buy concrete.
The overrun of the fuel during gas heating does not play a special role when you can refuse to fir ordinary brick and produce high -value goods in a large number.
In addition to gas and solid fuel, when firing bricks, liquid fuel is also used in those areas where oil is produced.
At a certain distance from this pipeline, the injection pipes to which portable oil adaptations are attached to the top of the furnace are connected from above.
The flow of oil is regulated by special cranes. Oil drops dropped into hot, loaded materials and immediately ignites. The burning of oil is accompanied by a significant amount of soot, while forming toxins.
In America, where for firing terracotta and clinker, most of the large furnaces of periodic action (ring ovens with lowering flame) are used for the most part, firing is often produced by crude oil. In this case, burners are used in which oil in a sprayed state is blown into the furnace. This method is also used for annular furnaces.
Fuel overspending. Concrete