Gloxinia is a representative. Her homeland is considered central and South America. This plant has thick stems, velvety leaves and tuberous rhizomes. Gloxinia is appreciated for very beautiful flowers. Purple, purple, pink, red.
How to care for gloxinia
Typically, the flowering period lasts from March to September. If you ensure comfortable conditions for this plant, it will bloom plentifully. So, consider how to properly contain gloxinia in indoor conditions.
You need to put gloxinia in a bright place. At the same time, if necessary, it needs to be shaded from direct sunlight, since they are very harmful to her.
Temperature regime
It is necessary to provide an air temperature for the plant within 20-22 degrees. If in the room where gloxinia is grown a very high temperature, it can wrinkle the leaves.
Gloxinia must be watered abundantly during flowering, after which watering is gradually reduced. It is also necessary to know that it is very sensitive to water temperature. Therefore, it is best to water it with water, the temperature of which should be approximately 20-22 degrees, not lower.
How to care for gloxinia
If watering water is cold, then this will negatively affect the growth and development of this indoor plant. It is also advisable to soften water for watering water. It is impossible to spray gloxinia, since moisture can linger on its velvety leaves, and they will begin to rot because of this. In this regard, it is necessary to ensure that when watering water does not fall on the sheet plates.
Preparation for winter and transplantation
For transplanting gloxinia, tubers are used. Do it like that. After the plant is fading, watering needs to be reduced. When the leaves are completely faded, water should be stopped completely. Glorxinia gradually drops all the leaves, and its aboveground part completely dries up. The tubers will need to be left winter in dry land without watering them. They need to provide a temperature of 12-16 degrees. Sometimes you need to check the condition of the tubers. If they wrinkle hard, they can be watered a little with water, but not more than once a month.
How to care for gloxinia
In February they are dug up, and already planted in fresh ground.
The surest sign of the life of tubers is when the kidney begins to germinate. When landing, you always need to ensure that the upper part of the tuber is not hidden by the ground. You need to instill it carefully so as not to damage the sprout. Pots with tubers need to be put in a bright place with a temperature of 20-24 degrees.
Gloxinia can be propagated by leafy cuttings. For this purpose, leaves are cut off from an adult plant. Moreover, on each of the leaves there should be a small piece of the petiole, about 1 cm. The leaves themselves need to choose healthy, without defects. They are planted in the soil, and they are easily rooted, after about 3 weeks.