How to lay the floor in the house, making it warm and inexpensive. Is it necessary to use expensive materials, or can you save using the experience of the old builders, an approximate calculation of the cost of 1 m2 of the proposed floor.Which floor is cheaper?
During the construction of an individual (suburban, rural) house, sooner or later the question will arise from what and which floor to do.The answer to the question, warm or not, is obvious. Of course warm. A stingy, as you know, pays twice. Having spent on the device of the warm floor, you will save many times on fuel.
Any floor is arranged on the floor beams. How thick to make floor beams? It all depends on what the clean floor will be of and what the insulation will be. When installing a warm floor, they first make a “black” floor, and then clean.In addition, the distance between the floor beams will also depend on the choice of material for the clean floor. So, in order to decide what thickness to choose the floor beams and at what distance to install them, you need to determine what the floor will be pure from. It is generally accepted that with the length of the sexual beams above 3 meters, their thickness should be at least 100 mm. However, the device of the “black” floor requires the device on both sides of the beams of the skull bars, on which the “black” floor will be laid. The floor beam itself is amplified by these bars, so if we used a floor beam with a thickness of 100×150 mm when arranging a regular floor.,The use of cranial bars will allow you to take a beam with a cross section of 50×150 mm. It is also accepted that when the clean floor is placed, the distance between the beams should be 60-70 cm. If you lay a clean floor of material thicker than 40 mm.,then the distance between the beams can be increased to 90cm. And even up to 100cm.
What to lay a clean floor? Options from sex rails and OSVs, plywoods can come out the same at the price. The sexual rack is expensive, but this is a finished option, finishing. OSV and plywood to their value will add the cost of flooring and can happen so that the option will cost the same way.There is another option to make a clean floor of dry material yourself. True, for this it is necessary to have machines and certain carpentry skills.Sale of lumber will also be useful to us, since you need to select a clean dry lumber with a thickness of 40-50 mm., Ottering it and skip it on a flight machine so that the boards are the same thickness and drive them away, putting them on the naga. You can order such boards in a carpentry workshop. What such a floor will cost? Let’s count:
one. 7 boards 50×150 mm.dl.4m. on beams and 14 cranial bars with a cross section of 50×50 mm. -0.42 m3 -price -3000 rub.;
2.Board 25 mm. on the “draft” half-14 m2. -0.35 m3. They can be made of “illiquid” material that will cost cheaper -3-4 thousand. rub. -Price-1200-1400 rub.;
3. Dry board 40-50 mm thick. Need about 1 m3. The price of such a board is 9400 rubles./m3.
Total: 13800 rubles.
Then the cost of one square meter of floor will be 860 rubles. This is the cost of the material and your work.
Good luck in your construction!