With the advent of spring, many lovers of cottages and gardens began to think about how to maintain their crop most effectively. One of the most common pests of any crop is the wireworm. In this article, we will provide you with some practical recommendations to combat it.
The main problem in the fight against the wireworm is the lack of effective chemicals in the sale. Significant chemicals, harmful to both humans and the future crop, are banned today. On sale you can only find the drug “Bazudin”, used in the spring before planting vegetables based on the calculation of 15-30 gramn 10 kV.m. However, the drug does not give a 100% guarantee of the result, since the pest is already accustomed to its effects and many wireworm larvae will survive and after processing by the basydine. Having decided to process the future crop with bazudine, dilute it in the maximum permissible concentration (30 g) to increase its effect from its effects.
Another, more effective method of destroying the parasite, is the frequent loosening of the Earth between the rows of planted culture to a depth of12 media outlets. Loosening the soil 4-5 times during the summer season, you will destroy the vast majority of wireworm larvae.
In addition, it is recommended to dig the soil in the fall after harvesting – as a result of the larva of the wireworm, they also die. Remove all weeds in your beds in a timely manner – by this you deprive the pest of the sources of its food.
If you do not have the opportunity to regularly loosen the ground between the beds, the following method of combating insects may be useful to you: during the spring digging, add an ammonium nitrate into the soil based on the calculation of 25 grams. per 1 sq.m. Next, planting seedlings, pour it with a solution of potassium permanganate (on10 shares 5 g. potassium permanganate), and during the summer season, fed twice more with a nitrate on the 15th and 30th day after landing. Along with these means, also use “Bazudin”.
Summer residents who stubbornly do not want to process the crop in their own personal plot with chemicals, we can recommend the use of baits as a means of combating a wireworm. Between the beds, plant lure crops. It can be barley, oats or corn. Seeds of the selected culture before planting must be soaked before planting in a regent solution for 2 hours. The solution is made in a ratio of 1 dose per 3 liters of water. After two weeks, shoots can be dug up.
A crop rich in you!