Feeding is a very important point, both for the baby and for his mother. It is a good mood and a calm dream of both depends on this.
How to feed the baby
For each of the kids, feeding begins with the regime. In the maternity hospital they are fed only at certain hours. As a rule – this is 6 o’clock in the morning, then 9, 12 and so on, after three hours. The latest feeding takes place at about 11 pm, then there is a six -hour night break.
As a rule, children quickly get used to the regime and at home you can continue such a feeding system. Naturally, it is not necessary to follow the hospital graphics, you can make feeding by the clock, but focusing on the biorhythms of your own child, as well as your life way. Mom can easily move the mode, gradually leading feeding to optimal time, each time moving by five to ten minutes.
How to feed the baby
The mode is convenient when mom continues to work after childbirth. Watching here is just a panacea, because many parents in such cases are forced to transfer the child to the mixture. Better milk has not yet come up with anything, and a certain feeding time will help the working mother continue breastfeeding. Of course, if there is an opportunity to leave work for some time, and the place of service is not far from the house. However, this can always be solved.
If the child was born weak, then the regime is the only possible way to feed in this case. Such children, as a rule, sleep a lot and do not even wake up to eat. Here you need a mode, and you need to feed more than once every three hours, as a healthy child, and once every 2 hours. Another feeding should fit at a night break. This scheme helps the baby get stronger.
Children who eat according to the regime begin their day at about 6-7 in the morning. This is convenient for parents, and also allows you to arrange a daytime dream immediately after lunch feeding. The baby’s evening meal falls at 8 or 9 o’clock in the evening, before bedtime. Even if at night the child wakes up to eat, this does not unsettle him or his mother, since this always happens at the same time.
Sunny feeding is necessary in those families where twins or triplets were born. Free food in this case will cause a lot of concern to children and bring to a nervous breakdown to the mother. Constant chest stimulation enhances lactation and milk is constantly produced. And this takes all the resources of the female body. Feeding according to the regime saves mom from exhaustion and allows her to relax, since the children are relatively calm at the same time.
Minus of regime feeding is that some women decrease milk production. Therefore, the first time (2-3 months) you need to express, additionally enhancing lactation.
No matter how convenient the regime is, there are children who, from the first days, resist any conditions and dictate their rules. Usually these are 2-3 screaming bundles of all that are in the postpartum children’s department. It is impossible to accustom such a baby by the clock – both mom and baby are exhausted. The best option is to surrender to the mercy of the winner and do the way he wants. At this stage in the development of the need for crumbs, as well as its physical condition, the most important.
Another cause of free feeding is an insufficient amount of milk in the parent. Here you need to apply the baby to the chest, as often as possible and then the problem will be resolved by itself. Often the only way to strengthen lactation. And no special teas can compare to him.
Some kids are not able to eat the required milk rate at a time. Therefore, they need to be fed more often, at their request. Otherwise, the shortage of weight and development delay will not be long in coming. The baby should be at the same time, one way or another. The regime here will be superfluous.
How to feed the baby
Any type of feeding has pros and cons of. And mothers should not fanatically follow neither
One of them. Everything here is very individual and at first it is stupid to resist the requirements of the child, afraid to spoil him. Feeding should take place without nerves: all the same it is a certain sacrament, the moment of communication between mom and child.