Each of us is looking forward to summer. However, everyone perfectly understands that summer is not only the sea, the sun and water, in the summer you will have to be exposed and show your skin. It must be remembered that the sun has not only the therapeutic effect on us, but can also dry our skin and hair.
In general, in the summer you need to take care of yourself well in order to be the best, because this period gives a lot of opportunities for this.
How to care for yourself in a hot season
It is possible to cope with the skin characteristics in the summer with the help of products that absorb excess fat and preserve the uterity and velvety of the skin. Engage in facial cleansing in the morning and evening, this will help you with washing and cool water, they tone the skin, and narrow the pores, and hot water, on the contrary, promotes the activity of the sebaceous glands. Want to experience pleasant coolness on hot days? Put the body cream or lotion in the refrigerator. You will achieve double benefits: moisturize and refresh your skin and relieve pain after a sunburn. It is better to use tea as a tonic. Just brew tea, add mint or lemon, wait until it cools, moisten a cotton pad with tea and wipe your face. Tea to cope with an extra sheen.
In order to be in the form and full of vital energy on hot days, drink a lot of liquids. Every day, on the advice of experts, it is necessary to consume about 2-2.5 liters of water.
We take care of the hair
Summer is the time of the year when it is necessary to give your hair to relax, so do not burden them with a too complicated hairstyle. First of all, from frequent stay in the sun, hair can dull. This is especially related to lightened hair. Of course, you can let the sun be sexually lighten your strands. But in order for you to carry out recovery work in the fall, and fight a “washcloth” on your head, it is better to immediately take on the baseball caps, hats, bandans, use a shampoo with UV filters and use nutrient masks.
How to care for yourself in a hot season
To preserve the beauty of the hair in the summer, entering the sea or pool, apply air conditioning or serum to the hair, otherwise the sun can ruthlessly dry them.
Fighting with pimples
Hated pimples are especially activated in summer. The cause is heat, high sweating. This is an ideal sphere for the propagation of microbes. Use local means that have an anti -inflammatory effect. They are applied pointily only to the places of inflammation.
How to care for yourself in a hot season
It is better to refuse at least during the day the tonal base. When we sweat, the skin also appears on the skin, it also mixes with tone, clogs pores, and it will always seem to you that your skin is dirty. If for various reasons you cannot do this, then choose water -based products. A good idea is to use luminescing powder, it adds shine to the skin, emphasizing the advantages of the face. For summer makeup, you can use cosmetics, but you should not overdo it with its number.
Other tips
You can paint your nails without embarrassment and use bright colors for this, because more bright varnish this season is very relevant. And with the help of an original pattern on the nails you can attract additional attention.
Buy protective funds from the sun. And apply them not only on the face and back, but also on the hands, neck, chest, knees and the like. Give the time to carefully clean and moisturize the face.
How to care for yourself in a hot season
Do not forget to protect your lips from the sun, for this you need to use a lip balm containing a SPF filter.
Summer – for many favorite season. And after all, this season has something to love for. At no other time of the year you will not see so many sun, bright emotions, smiles and warm splashes of water. However, despite all the advantages of summer, remember the shortcomings. Do not forget to take care of yourself, follow all the well -known recommendations and then you will rest really good!