Many future sphinx owners think that it is extremely difficult to take care of cats of this breed. Of course, the content of the sphinx is quite different from the content of cats of other breeds. But when knowledge of several simple rules, problems with the departure of the sphinx will not arise.
How to care for sphinx
Sphinxes have very vulnerable and delicate skin. These cats love to bask in the sun, but such a hobby often leads to serious burns. In addition, they are dangerous for the sphinxes and all hot objects. Batteries and fireplaces are of particular danger in the apartment.
In the offseason, when the apartments are not heated, you need to wear a warm overalls on the cat. Most of the sphinxes love to dress up and are warming up in clothes with great pleasure.
Sphinx should be washed often, about once every two weeks. This need arises due to the fact that cats of this breed sweat a lot. But unlike most other cats, the sphinxes love to swim, wash and splashing in water. For washing the sphinx, it is best to use soft shampoos, for example, children’s.
How to care for sphinx
Close attention should be paid to the ears of the pet. Unlike ordinary cats, they are not protected by the sphinxes and are therefore subject to severe pollution. It can be seen with the naked eye. In order to clean your ears, it is necessary to slightly moisten a cotton swab with vaseline oil or water, and carefully, with smooth movements several times to it on the inside of the auricle.
Some sphinxes bite off their nails themselves. But if there is a need to put the nails of the pet in order, you need to use the nippers and remove the sharp part of the claw.
How to care for sphinx
Cats of this breed are very energetic. They are constantly in motion, thereby support the necessary heat transfer in their body. Energy expended contributes to the appearance of excellent appetite. Feed the sphinx better finished feed. Since they contain all the vitamins and minerals necessary for the development of a cat. If the owner decided to feed the pet with natural food, then he should carefully consider the diet. It should also be borne in mind that in the cold season it is necessary to increase the calorie content of food, due to which the animal will freeze less.
Caution should be treated with ready -made vitamins, and when feeding natural foods, generally abandon them. The best replacement for artificial vitamins is fresh vegetables and herbs. But if you still decided that your cat is lacking in useful trace elements, then you should contact the veterinarian. Only he can prescribe “correct” vitamins to your pet.