Most young mothers are faced with the fact that they cannot properly breastfeed their baby, although they read special books that teach this skill before childbirth, and even attended the courses of young mothers. But, when a woman in her hands is her tiny newborn baby, she is usually lost and does not know what to do. How to properly breastfeed?
The first thing you should pay attention to the mother before feeding the child is the hygiene of the mammary glands. Wash your hands with soap – it is desirable that it is not too flavored, and then wash the mammary glands with clean hands with clean hands. If there is such an opportunity, do not wipe the water and let it dry, but if the newborn is hungry and can no longer wait, gently get your chest with a soft towel or a clean and ironed diaper.
Now take a position convenient for feeding a newborn, otherwise pulling pain in the back and lower back, which appeared from an uncomfortable pose, will cause you anxiety, which sometimes can even have a bad effect on lactation. The optimal position for breastfeeding is sitting, and it is desirable that the chair on which the young mother sits has a back. But some women, especially if they had heavy births, prefer to feed their baby in bed, lying on their side – this is also a completely acceptable pose for feeding. The main thing is that during feeding, which can last up to 40 minutes, the mother does not get tired and does not strain – then the child will be calm.
Be sure to make sure that the hand on which the mother holds the baby has a support. Often in maternity hospitals when feeding children, mothers are advised to put a folded pillow by the arm – if you are used to feeding this way, then you can continue to do this and at home.
There is still no consensus on how many times a day you should feed the child, so do as it is convenient for you. If you feed the baby by the clock, and at the right time the newborn is sleeping – do not wake him, then he is not yet hungry.
Starting the feeding process, the first drops of milk scatter and pour – there may be microbes in them. Next, put the baby into the mouth of not only the nipple, but also part of the periosky mug and, after the child began to suck, see if your milk iron closes the part of the nose of the baby. In the case when a woman’s retracted nipples or on the mammary gland formed cracks, buy special linings for the nipples in a pharmacy. They will help you feed your baby, without experiencing pain.
If you have enough milk and the child adds well in weight, with every feeding, give him only one breast. It is desirable that the newborn emptys the breasts completely – as you know, milk from the anterior chest of the chest contains more water and lactose, and milk from the so -called posterior chest – more fat and protein. If you see that your baby falls asleep during feeding, wake him up by touching his shoulders or chin, and achieve that he is completely saturated.
After feeding, you can grease the nipples with breast milk and let it dry – this will be the prevention of their cracks.
Do not put the baby into bed immediately after feeding – first hold it vertically so that the air that he swallowed during feeding leaves. If the child does not manage to open the air that has fallen into his body on his own, help him and slightly pat him on the back. Never put the baby in the crib until he is freed from the air, otherwise the baby will definitely bite in a lying position, and this is dangerous for his health.
As you can see, the rules of breastfeeding are not complicated at all, and their fulfillment will help the baby be always full, and his mother will allow all the joy of motherhood.