The problem of excess weight has recently refers not only to the adult population, but also to children – as children’s doctors say, many babies have gained excess weight from the first years of life, and therefore immediately fall into the risk group for health. Of course, every parent believes that the child should have a good appetite, but this does not mean at all that mothers and dads should turn a blind eye to how often they eat their child and what exactly he eats. The problem of excess weight is especially urgent in families where mothers and dads, grandparents like to eat well, who, as a rule, also have extra pounds – in such families, full children meet much more often. But how to make your baby no excess weight? This will be discussed in today’s article.
How to avoid excess weight in the baby
Firstly, from the earliest years of life, parents should understand that you should not feed the baby always as soon as he cried. Of course, modern mothers no longer feed their crumbs by the clock, as it was before, but you should not overfeed the child either. If your peanut cried half an hour after eating, do not give him his chest, most likely, the cause of his crying is intestinal colic or wet diaper. Those mothers who are forced to feed the baby with mixtures should know that they should be prepared strictly according to the instructions, carefully observing the dosage.
When the child is growing up, parents should think about what their family eats, because it is not a secret that some children, growing up, become slim, while others, on the contrary, only accumulate extra pounds. This can happen for the reason that the diet of the family includes too many flour or starchy products, which is unacceptable.
But even if the food in your family is balanced, then your mother needs to know that the meat that is so necessary for the growth and development of the baby is better not to fry, but to steam or bake in the oven. In addition, the baby should not have fatty meat – pediatricians are advised to use poultry, rabbit or calf meat for cooking meat dishes.
How to avoid excess weight in the baby
Many mothers are not averse to having a bite between the basic meals by buns, cookies or crackers, and accustom the child to this. And this, in turn, leads to the appearance of extra pounds he has, because such products are very high -calorie. If the child wanted to eat, and still far from dinner or dinner, then you can well offer him to quench the hut with vegetables, which, as you know, contain many minerals, fiber and vitamins, but few calories. Therefore, such a snack can not affect your child’s weight.
As a rule, all healthy children love to move, which is very useful for maintaining normal weight. Do not limit your child’s movements and let him crawl, jump and run. Naturally, at the same time, the mother should always be near to ensure the safety of her baby.
How to avoid excess weight in the baby
In order for mothers to track the appearance of extra pounds in a child, it is advisable for her to keep a diary in which all data and height data, which must be measured monthly. This advice is especially relevant if the child has already had problems with weight, or your family has people who have extra pounds. In order to correctly analyze the data you have, it is necessary to take not averaged indicators, but the ratio of growth and weight of your child. If you see that these indicators are increasing sharply, then do not expect that everything will go on its own and contact your pediatrician, who will give you recommendations for nutrition adjustment and will observe your heir weight more carefully.