Each person sooner or later has such a problem as breeding stains from coffee. It arises due to the fact that such spots can appear on clothes, furniture, carpets.
How to remove coffee stains
Coffee spots are very much eaten into the fabric over time, which is why it becomes impossible to remove stains from coffee old. Fresh coffee spots can be easily removed. The main thing is to use the right way.
Ways to remove stains from coffee
To remove a fresh spot from coffee, you can use the most ordinary salt. To do this, sprinkle the spot, wait a bit, and then rinse this thing in ordinary warm water, the material should be ironed after that from the wrong side. If the stain of coffee is already old, then it is necessary to moisten the fabric with water, and then wash in a way that will correspond to the type of fabric. Do not bring stains from coffee to a state of old spots, it is advisable to immediately bend fresh spots.
Coffee spots can also be removed with a solution that can be easily prepared at home.
How to remove coffee stains
To do this, mix: glycerin, water, ammonia. These funds must be taken in equal proportions. The mixture is applied to a stained place, left for a day, only after that the place is covered. What to do if the stain appeared on a white cotton fabric?To do this, it is necessary to soak the stained thing in a soap solution, adding a few soda there first. After washing, it is necessary to rinse things in warm water, then wash this thing in hot water with the addition of one tablespoon of soda. On three liters, you need to put one tablespoon of soda and a tablespoon of sodium hydrosulfate. After displaying the spot, the thing should be rinsed in warm water.
If the stained thing is white cotton, then it can be soaked in whiteness. After a short period of time, a thing soaked in whiteness should be rinsed in warm water, and then for 15 minutes to immerse 10%in a solution of sodium thiosulfate, then rinse once again.
To remove stains from coffee from linen tissues, sodium hydraeuulfate is used, or just spill the stain with ordinary boiling water. From synthetic materials, the stains of coffee can be removed by washing water with alcohol.
How can you remove stains from coffee from woolen products
To do this, it is necessary to put a stained product on a flat surface, under the place where the spot, you need to put the napkins and grate this place with chips of ordinary dry laundry soap. After that, the brush must be wetted in a 1% solution of ammonia and thoroughly grate the stain, while the napkins should be periodically changed. Then the place where the stain was, should be washed with warm water, dried with a towel (wet), apply 3-% hydrogen peroxide, dry the product thoroughly. After that, the dry fabric is washed with cold water and dried.
To remove stains from products from color natural silk, it is necessary to lay out a thing on a flat surface, lay the napkins under the spot, and this place where the spot must be moistened with a warm mixture for forty minutes. This mixture is prepared as follows: two milligrams of rain water and 4 grams of lactic acid. After some time, the procedure should be repeated. The solution is applied to the fabric with a moisturized sponge. After that, the fabric should be wetted with napkins, when yellowish stains appear, a few drops of glycerin should be added, and then rinse with distilled or rainwater. Moreover, the water must be warm.
How to remove coffee stains
If coffee was with milk, then the stains should be wiped with a wool moistened in gasoline, and then hydrogen peroxide.