In order for the order to be high -quality and reliable, the laying of the furnace must be built from high quality bricks. Its standard dimensions are 250x120x65 mm.
After the first row is laid out dry, you can start preparing the solution. Clay is mined from a depth of 50 centimeters. Previously, the clay must be soaked for several days in a suitable capacity. Wet clay is easier to break into smaller pieces. Dry material is much worse to process.
How to put a bath for a bath with your own hands
It is better to choose sand clean, without any impurities. River sand for this case is completely unsuitable, because it has a weak degree of adhesion.
After all the components are ready, the clay must be stirred with a punch with water, to the degree of thick sour cream. Next, sand is added to the mixture.
The first brickwork is made on a waterproofing layer – a bitumen gasket placed on the foundation. Bricks during this need to be moistened with water. Once again, it is necessary to check the horizontal angles and carefully measure the edges. In the presence of any cracks, smoke can penetrate into the space of the bath.
The second row must be laid out similarly to the first with the calculation that each brick of a new row is located at the junction of a pair of lower. All subsequent rows of the furnace are built according to the same scheme.
In the next – the third row, it is necessary to leave a hole in which the blower door will be placed. With the help of strips from a steel sheet or galvanized wire, it can be strengthened on the structure. The easiest way to operate is steel stripes.
In the fourth row, it is necessary to build a well to collect the resulting ash and air -conducting grilles. To do this, it is necessary to make centimeter recesses with gaps in bricks in each direction, so that there is a place to expand the grater. With the help of broken brick, you can round the back wall.
How to put a bath for a bath with your own hands
Installation of the seventh row is accompanied by installation work on the construction of the door for T.n. blew, and the masonry of the next, seventh row – a gallop installation and a furnace door.
Usually, when building a furnace with their own hands, cast iron doors are used. Among other materials, they are distinguished by the highest strength and refractory.
The masonry of the eighth row includes the construction of a partition with access to a chimney channel. Thus, it is necessary to lay out bricks up to the fourteenth brick series. Clutches are installed on this row. In the front wall, it is necessary to build an opening for a container with hot water. It must be placed in such a way that there is no touch with the channels, and the structure holds on the walls of the masonry.