In the spring, everything wakes up from winter hibernation: trees, animals, plants. The human body is no exception, which during the cold and frost is very tired and exhausted. As a result of the shortage of vitamins and solar heat, many begin to manifest signs of vitamin deficiency. Dry skin, lethargy, constant fatigue, depression, aggravated chronic diseases – this is not the whole list of what almost everyone has to survive annually. But after all, vitamin deficiency can be overcome, it is enough only to know the plan of action, and there will be no trace of this condition.
The first symptoms of malaise are already felt in the middle of winter. Then the stock of all vitamins accumulated in the body over the summer. You can help yourself by increasing the number of fruits and vegetables in your diet. Although, they say that there are no vitamins in winter fruits and vegetables, but more different synthetics and chemicals that negatively affect human health. You can go the other way by buying vitamin sets in a pharmacy that will help to replenish the shortage of vitamins in the body.
Open canned foods and frozen vegetables that you stored for the winter. Use nuts and dried fruits more. It is advisable to include fresh greens in your menu, which you can grow in your home. To overcome colds, lean on products that contain vitamin C. There must be citrus, legumes, cereals, meat products on your table. Do not forget about seafood.
Try to spend your free time in the fresh air. Walking in the park will charge you with energy for the whole day and improve your mood. In winter, the body lacks sunlight, so take care of good lighting your housing.
Increase the duration of sleep. Observe sleep mode, go to bed and get up at the same time. This will avoid many diseases, because healthy full sleep is their good prevention.
Rest and take breaks in work more often. Perform gymnastics that will keep the body in tone. Take care of your hair and face, since peeling skin and split hair are not the best jewelry of any person.
If your vitamin deficiency is expressed too much, depression, irritability does not stop, memory, vision worsen, then urgently consult a specialist. They will help to develop a scheme for the fight against insidious vitamin deficiency. After a while, the joy of life will return to you and constant fatigue will leave.