A huge number of people live with a dream of losing weight in our country, and throughout the world. And, unfortunately, their dream remains a dream – no matter what they do, many of them have excess weight still do not leave. But there are such lucky ones who still managed to cope with this serious problem and get rid of extra pounds with the help of a strict diet, serious physical exertion and the right lifestyle.
How to hold weight after losing weight
But they should not relax either – the kilograms that have left them, as practice shows, can very easily return. If you are one of people who have lost weight not so long ago, then you are probably worried about how to hold weight after losing weight. Let’s look at this issue in more detail.
Showders who can provoke you to breakdowns and overeating, there can be barbecue with friends in nature, and festive fun feasts, and Swedish tables on vacation abroad. Of course, it is very difficult to abandon a delicious barbecue or a delicious salad, especially if the feast is accompanied by alcoholic beverages that can lead to a breakdown. Therefore, you will need to train the willpower and the ability to refuse yourself something if you do not want your extra pounds to reappear on your waist and hips.
Do you really need to observe a strict diet all your life? Of course, no, although you will probably have to deny yourself something. In order not to recover again after losing weight, try to observe the so -called “plate rule”. It consists in the following – mentally share your ordinary plate for eating into two equal parts, and then one part by two more – as a result, you got three parts.
How to hold weight after losing weight
Now remember – you can eat everything you want, but at the same time, the food in your plate should always be distributed as follows – for most your plate you should have vegetables or fruits, and on the remaining two, protein and carbohydrate food. This rule allows you not to count every time you are going to eat, calories. Subject to this rule, as we have already said, you can eat everything you want – the main thing is to observe proportions, and your diet will be correct and balanced. Subject to the “plate rule”, you do not need to reduce the usual portions for you, which can lead to stress. Of course, at first, most likely, you will sometimes feel a feeling of hunger, but then it will disappear by itself.
Of course, everyone who defeated excess weight should not forget about physical activity, otherwise your extra pounds will return again. If you do not have time at all to visit the gym, try to walk as often as possible – it is desirable that your walks are at least every day in time.
And, in conclusion, let me give you a few more simple, but very important tips that will help you keep your weight normal.
You should definitely abandon the habit of reading newspapers or viewing TV shows, as many people do. Remember that during eating you should be absorbed only by this process – enjoy the taste qualities of products and eat slowly.
Try not to include in your diet or include frozen and canned products in it in a minimum amount.
Meat, fish and vegetables, if possible, simmer, cook or bake. Remember that in your case it is undesirable to eat fried dishes.
Never use two portions, otherwise your weight will certainly begin to return – even if it seems to you that you have not eaten, get up from the table after you ate your portion of food.
How to hold weight after losing weight
Exotic products and dishes in your case are generally undesirable to include in your diet – try to do with traditional foods and dishes for your place of residence.
Try to abandon the use of alcohol, especially strong – as you know, alcohol enhances appetite, and, moreover, it itself is a high -calorie product. On holidays, you are not forbidden to use dry wines, but their number, of course, should be minimal.
And, in the end, do not make a cult out of food – in life there are things much more interesting than the most delicious dishes.