Among the huge number of troubles that a woman may encounter, there is such as chewing gum in her hair. At the same time, it is completely optional for her to fall asleep with her in its inaccuration and she fell out. There are a huge number of situations when you simply could not keep track of, and there was terrible, for example, the child came up and unknowingly glued or left on the pillow, and you got on to it. Also, quite often mothers have to pull the chewing gum from their babies hair.
Perhaps the most common option of solving such a problem is cutting, especially when it comes to children, since they simply do not have patience. If the chewing gum fell into your hair, then we advise you not to rush, as there are a lot of ways to remove it without the help of scissors.
How to get rid of chewing gum in your hair
First of all, carefully inspect your hair, depending on what part of them glued the gum you can use the following tips:
If you have long hair, and the chewing gum hit their tips, then you can use the most common method. Take a small cup and fill it with cold water, put it in the freezer, for a couple of hours, as soon as the water begins to freeze slightly, lower the glued area of the hair into it, hold a small amount of time so that the chewing gum froze well. After that slowly, break off pieces of chewing gum, cleaning the hair from it. Do not rush, as you can break your hair.
If this problem has touched the middle of your hair, then the assistant in your case will be hot water and vegetable oil. In order to get rid of chewing gum in this way, you will need an assistant. Put your head on the table, and lower the damaged area in boiling water, with the help of a napkin soaked in vegetable oil, wash the elastic band from your hair, the procedure can take a fairly large amount of time, but this is much better than using scissors.
When the chewing gum stucks at the hair roots, you can use olive or vegetable oil, also the elastic bands perfectly dissolves alcohol, but you need to be extremely careful with it, try not to touch it on the roots, since you may allergies.
How to get rid of chewing gum in your hair
All of the above methods of getting rid of chewing gum are well known, while they cope well with a similar problem. If you really want to get rid of chewing gum in your hair as quickly as possible, then you can use a more convenient way that is perfect for all sections of hair. Take a few small pieces of white paper, wrap your hair with a thin layer and warm with a hairdresser or a hairdryer, just try not to burn your hair. When heated, the chewing gum will remain on paper, do not warm it to such a state so that it immediately remains on the leaves, it is better to repeat this procedure several times and remove the remains gradually.
After you get rid of chewing gum in your hair, you must thoroughly rinse them with shampoo and grease hair with hair balm. Do not forget that your hair has been subjected to very serious influence and extraneous intervention, and therefore try to soak it for some time, special attention, paying previously damaged areas. In order to quickly bring your hair to a normal state, make oil masks, for example, you can just before every head washing 15 minutes before the procedure, grease your hair with olive, burdock or castor oil.