A huge number of people around the world is concerned about the problem of acne. From time to time, the emergency emerges spoil the life of young people, losing attractiveness. A complex form of acne, it is necessary to treat drugs.
Acne that occasionally appear on the skin of a person can be cured on your own.
Acne occurs as a result of blockage of pores with skin fat, which is produced with more activity during hormonal surge. Very often acne appears due to impaired intestinal function. Therefore, starting to treat acne, first of all, you need to eat healthy food. The daily diet should consist of fresh fruits, vegetables, not fatty meat. Various cereals are very useful.
In order to independently eliminate acne, do not injure the skin and do not bring the infection to observe a number of simple rules:
You can delete only ripe acne. They must be completely painless when touching and having a white head;
Before removing the acne should be thoroughly washed with soap;
Gently remove the pimple;
Burn the place of acne alcohol so that the bacteria do not multiply.
To prevent the appearance of new acne, it is necessary to carefully care for the skin. Cosmetics for the skin must be chosen in accordance with the type of skin. Any means for cleansing and care of the skin are selected strictly individually, but it must be remembered that any type of skin requires good care consisting of cleansing, nutrition and moisture. You can use ordinary soap or purchase special tools to cleanse the skin.
The appearance of acne is better to try to prevent. There are several recipes for this:
It is recommended to drink a glass of cold water every morning before meals. Such a simple procedure will allow the body to free from the slag accumulated during the night. In addition, this will help you wake up and cheer up;
When washing, add apple cider vinegar or lemon juice to the water to make a rather weak solution. Such washing nourishes the skin, but be careful, you can easily dry;