Modern toilets have a variety of constructions and shapes, but the principle of work and basic elements are the same for all. If you have broken the toilet, then first try to repair it on your own.
The toilet of the breakdown can be different, but the most common is a leak. Moreover, such a problem can be different. If the toilet flows, for example, water pours over the edge of the barrel, or through the holes of special, in the places of connection of the hoses, this means that the discomfort, rubber gaskets and rubber seals in the drain tank have become unusable. This problem is very easily solved, for this you need to replace the shut -off valve, you can with a float together. To do this, you should contact the plumbing store. Moreover, its cost is inexpensive. First you should block the water supply, remove the shut -off valve and go to the store with it together. There you will definitely pick up the structure that suits your drain tank. Look carefully how the shut -off valve was and, by analogy, set the new.
How to fix a toilet
Also, some common problems associated with toilets include the wear of the sealing gaskets between the toilet and the tank itself, or the drain mechanism breaks down. With such a problem, water is constantly flowing in the toilet, therefore, as a result of which rusty flow begins to appear. Meanwhile, when replacing the parts of those who have become unusable, this issue is very easily resolved. To change the drain mechanism, you need to block the water first, and then unscrew the tank from the toilet. Then remove the drain mechanism and go with it to the nearest plumbing store. By choosing a suitable device with the consultant to the design of your tank, when you come home, connect it, connect the tank, connect the water and all your problem is solved.
There are cases when you can avoid replacing the drain mechanism. It happens that because of the time and under the influence of water, between the tank and the drain mechanism, the sealing rings are overwhelmed. To get rid of this problem, first correct them, if this does not help, replace the old sealing rings with new.
If your water level is incorrectly set, then a water leak in the toilet can sometimes be associated with this. In order to prevent water from overflowing through the edge in the toilet, in the drain mechanism there is a special tube. Когда вода наберется выше указанного уровня, она уйдет через эту специальную трубку в унитаз. This tube is very easy to move down or up. You will solve this problem if you correctly set the desired level.
The leak of water can also be caused by the fact that the float is either incorrectly installed or perforated, and when it is typed with water, it falls to the bottom. In this case, in order to eliminate this problem, remove the float, it is twisted to the right, and is unscrewed to the left, pull it out of the water, shake it all and fill it up, and attach it back.
How to fix a toilet
If water flows, then the problem should be sought not in the eyeliner, but in another something with something. Very often the cause of the problem is clogging. So take a sharp object. For example, a nail and clean the junction of the tank and nozzles.
If, nevertheless, the problem is related to clogging the toilet, then push the small bag of sand into the toilet and rinse with water. In this way you can very easily clean a small blockage. If this method does not suit you, try to use the cable.
Remember, in fact, the repair of the toilet is not as terrible and complicated as it may seem at first glance. However, if you did not succeed or you are not so confident in your abilities, you can always call plumbing. He will repair your plumbing to you and your plumbing, and will also give some tips for its operation.