Unfortunately, most people confuse Siamese and Thai cats, this happens because these cats have a very similar color. Although these breeds are visually, they are similar, but still they are very different. Firstly, they differ in wool, which is too short in Siamese cats. Secondly, they differ in the shape of a muzzle, among representatives of the Siamese breed, it is thin and elongated, and in shape resembles a triangle. Ah, Thai cats, a rounded muzzle and nose is not so sharp. But, the most important distinguishing feature of Thai cats, is their character.
A little story
The history of the Thai breed begins in the XIV-XV century. Evidence of the existence of this breed at that time, are manuscripts, about white cats with ears, legs and a black tail that lived in the kingdom of Ayuttai. According to historical data, these cats were owned only by royal dynasties or Buddhist monks, with which these cats were erected in saints. Cats who felt such care and love, worship and admiration behaved properly to the deities. These habits, in Thai cats, have survived to this day.
Thai cats appeared in Russia around the 18th century. The sequence attempts conducted repeatedly, were not successful. Thai cats remained unchanged, only blue eyes were fixed.
The nature of cats and their upbringing
From the first days of the stay of this cat in your house, you will forget about calm and order for a long time. Immediately be prepared for ragged wallpaper and curtains, inverted flower pots and garbage bins, for the persistent requirement of attention to yourself, at the most inappropriate time for you. But to persuade her to sit in her arms or stroke when she does not want to. If she does not like the pose in which she was laid, then she can bite. But when it shows tenderness, it does not exist sweeter and wonderful. Thai cat, this is true, a royal animal that has pride, great pride, amazing and not repeated grace and tenderness.
If you wish when raising a Thai kitten, to achieve the result you need, then you need to stock up on great patience. The first weeks should not be missed. With every disobedience, whether it was jumping on the table or going to the toilet in the wrong place, without wasting time, immediately insist on your own, while repeating the forbidden movements and words. At least to punish sometimes it will be a pity, do not give the slack in any case. Because of your softness, obedience of a cat may never come, and your house during your absence can turn into a continuous mess. These representatives of “royal blood” must be educated from a very early age, otherwise they will take care of your education.
According to the recommendations of veterinarians, it is better to feed cats in one way. It is not advisable to mix dry food and ordinary, as this can cause an additional load on the stomach of the kitten, and in the future affect its development and growth. It must be remembered that the power methods cannot be mixed in any case. Kittens may not eat for half a day, you do not need to worry about this, if they want to eat, then they themselves will let you know about it. Do not feed the kitten with food from the refrigerator, it is better to warm it a little before feeding itself. Up to a year, the kitten eats about three times a day. If suddenly, you want to pamper your “royal miracle”, then you can give fresh fish, or a piece of meat, but in small quantities. Select the method of feeding the kitten and strictly observe it.
If the care of the cat is confirmed by high -quality and good nutrition, then, like most cats, Thais also independently monitor their wool. During the period when wool actively falls out, the so -called “molting”, you need to comb the cat with a brush, which should not be hard. In addition, nothing of the same cat will require from you. It is also necessary to constantly change the filler in the toilet tray, it is advisable to use the “dry paws” type filler. You also need to not forget constantly, keep a bowl filled with water.
Always be attentive to your cat. At the slightest appearance, some deviations in behavior, for example: lack of appetite, apathy, too hot or dry nose, then in these cases you must immediately contact the veterinarian for help. And also should not be forgotten about vaccinations.