On hot summer days, not only skin, but also hair suffers most of all of all, so in the fall, they require careful care. This is especially important if your hair after summer suddenly became dry, lifeless and brittle – this means that they need not only care, but also to restore.
How to care for hair in the fall
First of all, you need to pay attention to the ends of your hair – if they split, then most likely you will have to part with them. Of course, this does not mean at all that you need to abandon the entire length of your hair, but you will still have to sacrifice several centimeters for the beauty and health of the remaining hair.
In the fall, our body lacks vitamins and minerals, so your attempts to restore hair after the summer will be low in terms of if you do not start taking a complex of vitamins and minerals that can be bought at a pharmacy. Check whether the complex of iodine, selenium, group D and calcium vitamins, which especially favorably affect the growth and condition of the hair, are part of your chosen. It is also useful for hair to include products with natural gelatin in the menu, for example, jelly, jelly or jelly. Gelatin makes the hair strong and strong, and also contributes to the fact that the hair is better kept by nutrients and moisture.
No less important in hair care in the fall to wash them correctly. To begin with, you will need to abandon the means called “2 in 1” and combine two means in one bottle – you should have a shampoo for hair and balm for caring for them separately. Of course, it is advisable for you to choose hair wash products from one series. In addition to store shampoos, you can turn to the means of folk and proven centuries. For example, to restore hair structure, you can use egg yolk instead of shampoo. To get a hair washing tool based on it, it is necessary to separate the yolk from the protein, add 50 milliliters of vodka to it, a little water and beat this mixture. Rub it into the scalp and after a short time rinse it with warm water.
How to care for hair in the fall
If you are concerned about dandruff and brittle hair, then you will surely help you eliminate these problems by another folk recipe based on chicken eggs. Mix its yolk and protein with a small amount of water and beat this mixture until it starts to foam. Apply the foamy mass to your hair with massaging movements and after a few minutes rinse it thoroughly with warm water. Then rinse your hair with slightly acidified water – for this, add one tablespoon of apple cider vinegar or half a teaspoon of citric acid per liter of water to the water.
To restore hair after exposure to sunlight and dry wind, yogurt can also be useful. Apply it to the hair and scalp and insulate it with cellophane and towel. After 10-15 minutes, rinse the mask of yogurt with warm water.
If your hair was dyed, then, most likely, after the summer, their color became not so bright, even if you tinted it recently. This problem can be solved with herbs, decoctions and infusions of which have a beneficial effect on the hair and give them a beautiful shade. So, for example, it is recommended to use decoctions of sunflower or chamomile petals for rinsing blondes for rinsing. But those who have hair dyed in darker tones are more suitable for decoctions of burdock, hops or nettles. By the way, decoctions and infusions should be withstanded for quite some time, about 2-3 hours, otherwise the effect of their use will be minimal and not persistent.
How to care for hair in the fall
It is equally important to maintain hair health in the autumn period to use masks that can not only be purchased in the store, but also cook on your own and at home. And some of them do not even require cooking. For example, for this purpose, you can use the most conventional sour -milk products that are available in almost every house – kefir, fermented baked milk or serum remaining after preparing home cottage cheese. They must be rubbed into the scalp, insulate with a towel and leave for about 1.5-2 hours. Also, do not forget that it is not recommended to wash your hair every day in the fall-it is advisable to do this every 2-3 days.