Lovers of home plants have long acquired an amazing and exquisite flower, whose name is cyclamen. And who has not yet had time, after reading the article will surely acquire this romantic and delicate flower. According to some of the homeland, Greece is, according to others, Tunisia.
How to care for cyclamen
Currently, it is common in some areas of Africa, Crimea, Mediterranean, in the Caucasus, and as an indoor plant throughout the Earth. Cyclamenes can be found on hills and highlands, for only 3-4 months they appear on the surface of the earth from autumn to spring. Often from under the snow you can notice fabulous buds exuding aroma.
Indoor cyclamenes that can be found on windowsills and in Kashpo are mostly common in two types: Persian and European. The most common is the Persian type of cyclamen, its flowers are larger, and the riot of colors is more impressive against the background of winter and facelessness outside the window. Their main difference in flowering time, the Persian cyclamen will delight the household with fragrance and flowers from October to March, the European look blooms from March to September. If you have both types, then your apartment or house will always be full of good mood and smiles. Look at the photos, indifferent these flowers are unlikely to leave anyone.
Let’s see what else these flowers became famous for:
Interesting facts about cyclamen
The people call these wonderful flowers pork bread, and all because wild pigs love their stems and tubers very much.
In homeopathy, the plant is used against gout, rheumatism and nervous disorders.
The ancient Romans attributed to the flower the ability to protect from the evil eye.
It is believed that cyclamen takes negative energy and share a positive.
The flower is a symbol of inspiration and joy.
It is not as difficult to care for plants as many people think for the first time. It is only necessary to remember that when planting a European type, a tuber must be immersed in the soil, unlike his brother of the Persian species, where part of the tuber is on the surface. European cyclamen has practically no rest time, it drops the leaves, and they quickly grow. The rest of the care methods are identical, and we will now consider this in more detail.
It is possible to propagate flowers with division of tubers, which is produced during rest, approximately in June-July during transplantation. Another way to propagate seeds.
How to care for cyclamen
To do this, you need to pre -soak them in a potassium permanganate solution for 12 hours. Then plant in a mixture of sand and leafy earth, do not forget to moisten the soil well. Cyclamenes give seedlings for 30 days. It is recommended to maintain a temperature of about 20 degrees, and after germination it is desirable to reduce the temperature to 15 degrees.
Cyclamen loves light, but without falling on the leaves of straight rays. This is a common mistake of many lovers of domestic plants, bought, brought and put in the sun, and the handsome man began to turn yellow and disappear.
Watering is a very important component of flower care. Water must be defended before watering and in no case do not wet the tuber, part of which is over the soil. The best option is to pour water into the pallet, the plant itself will absorb how it needs it.
It is also worth paying attention to the temperature regime. Cyclamenes prefer coolness. The most optimal solution will be the temperature within 15 degrees. Try not to put pots with flowers next to heating appliances.
Using fertilizers, you can help your green pet be beautiful and healthy. Usually fertilized once every 3 weeks, with some kind of mineral fertilizer for colors.
How to care for cyclamen
During the rest, when the plant drops the leaves and does not bloom, top dressing is not needed.
Dried flowers, as well as the leaves, must be completely twisted in order to prevent rot of the rest.
To learn these simple rules to attach to every lover of cyclamen. Performing them, you will always support your flower in a beautiful and healthy state.