An attractive parquet floor attracts attention, creates a comfortable atmosphere in the room, but working with a single parquet has always been accompanied by some difficulties: its styling is quite complicated, piece parquet often troops over time due to insufficient density of wood, high humidity, high humidity. The modern parquet board will always look fresh and elegant!
However, back in 1941 in Sweden, the invention of a multilayer parquet board was recorded, not deforming and easy to install. Parquet board is the most economical and quite inexpensive material for floor decoration. The parquet board is assembled from the lower rack base, facial coating, parquet strips with straightened edges, settled on the base. The base for the specified board is made of pine wood, spruce, larch, fir, birch wood, aspen, poplar. Nowadays, the online store Parquet is in demand, especially the Roomdom store, in which the order can be delivered directly to the door!
The internal structure is strengthened by the cord laid out between the two layers. This helps the board to gain high strength and flexibility. The front plane of the board is polished and finished with several layers of varnish. Most of the boards differ in size 2423×200 mm, and 15 mm thick. The specified board can be finished with a significant area. Today, the SPb Parket is laid out efficiently and thoroughly.
The multilayer structure of the board, in which the layers are fastened at an angle of 90 °, has high strength, resistance to different influences. These floor coverings are fitted quite accurately during installation, and there are no gaps between them. After assembly, a whole “floating” floor is performed, which for a long time does not change its technical characteristics. From Wood Bee Parquet board is the highest quality.
The main advantage of the parquet board is the ease of styling without the use of special equipment, noise and unnecessary garbage. Such a board is used where a single parquet can be used. The base for this flooring should be smooth, dry and sloping. Wooden lags are placed on it, they put soundproof gaskets under the lags. They put a parquet board on the lags and strengthen it.
Parquet board coating must be even, beautiful and durable. It is necessary to make a small gap between the material and the wall, but not exceeding 10 mm. A high assortment of the specified flooring will allow you to choose the most suitable view for the home. A bright massive board will always look original!